
Archive for November, 2011

New zealand vacancies

November 28, 2011 Leave a comment

At the same time it New zealand vacancies a light on just how much of a Districts budget is digested by Administrators. The emphasis always seems to be on the greedy teachers. It is refreshing to see some information put forth that may prompt the taxpayers to take a second look at what goes into administrative costs and their benefit packages as well. I must say that all Districts are not created equal. There are some that are very frugal with their expenditures, and have not feathered the nest so to speak. This is a bully story, but at least he explains the teachers salaries are the result of other New zealand vacancies they perform. The administrators run these New zealand vacancies Lets compare their salaries to lawyers who run law firms, CPAs who run accounting firms, and CEOs who run businesses. Bogus comparisons. And if teachers ever took their one econ class that the were supposed to take in college seriously, theyd know that. Wagesincome are always, ALWAYS a function of supply and demand, NOT of duties or worth or value in other abstract senses. Just as the CPAs and lawyers cannot transition to the top of the heap in the teaching world, so to teachers cannot transition to the top of the heap in the CPA or lawyer world, at least without lots of education and time. So, it is NOT true that teachers could be making more money elsewhere if they cant get a job elsewhere making that better money within a 1-2 year time frame. New zealand vacancies So that comparison it bogus. Now, take a look at hours worked. The admin staff works year-round. Those CPAs and lawyers work year-round. The well, yeah, they work long hours during the school year, but lawyers, CPAs, etc all work long hours too just try living New zealand vacancies an accountant during tax or audit season! In the real world more work produced means more income, because the employees value to the employer is higher, meaning that the market rates reflect this fact. Try living with a teacher during Meap! Try living with a geek49203 during a massive datatechnology migration, or even during a prolonged server outage! I get past 70 hours a week for a few weeks and people say Im heck to live with! Public New zealand vacancies wages should be publicized. If a Lawyer or a CPA or CPO ran a firm or a company with a failure rate like the Public school system. He would be fired. Like when Obama fired the GM guy. As for other duties self employed or private sector New zealand vacancies go the extra mile for no extra wages all the time. I bet if a body shop didnt satisfy you on a repair quality you would complain. But you seem satisfied with the public New zealand vacancies system dumbing down kids so they New zealand vacancies Dumbocrat. And getting top wages for it. You must also be a teacher or public employee. Good luck collecting your pension forever. The private sector will revolt on paying for this BS theivery New zealand vacancies I agree with the comment regarding the failure rate should equal less compensation. However, a pay for performance model is not the way public school employees are compensated in our area. Unfortunately, the system of education is broken and needs major reform, however with all the red tape involved in re-energizing and remodeling the system, its going to take time. As you can see, there are certain Superintendents that are NOT compensated adequately for their contributions to their communities.

Stone mountain coaching vacancy

November 24, 2011 Leave a comment

The three teachers on the report were Frost Elementary School special-education teacher Mary Lovejoy, who made 104, 301; Jackson High School business teacher Lori Dailey, who made 104, 256; and ISD business technology instructor James Cox, who made 101, 0 Robinson said the Jackson teachers pay included additional compensation for extra duties during and after the school day and during summer break. As they choose to do that afterschool, summer school projects they certainly are compensated for that, she said. It s all relative. It s not as cut and dry as the title it s based on. What type of work at how many different levels are you doing? In Jackson, each of the teachers making more than 100, 000 had base pay of 77, 055, received a 1, 000 annuity and made most of their additional pay in categories listed as supplemental, miscellaneous or overload pay, according to the transparency reporting on the district s website. The district paid Dailey 19, 011 in overload compensation, which is for teaching classes during what would have been her planning period, said Bill Hannon, the district s deputy superintendent for finances and operations. In a typical year, about five teachers earn overload pay to take over a vacancy that is the result of unexpected enrollment or scheduling issues, Hannon said. It s cheaper to pay a teacher overload if you need one more class period per day than to hire a new teacher to do that, he said. The overload pay is a percentage of the teacher s base salary. Dailey said she taught an overload class during the 2008-09 school year and another during the 2009-10 school year, so pay for Stone mountain coaching vacancy were tacked on to her pay for Stone mountain coaching vacancy year 200 Dailey also received 7, 190 in supplemental pay for being department chairwoman, curriculum chairwoman and working outside the school where students work jobs through a school cooperative program, she and Hannon said. Lovejoy did not return messages seeking comment. Hannon said 25, 959 in miscellaneous pay she received in addition to her base pay was for teaching special-education students who are homebound and for her involvement in an afterschool program for students who have been expelled and another for those preparing for the GED test. Cox s base pay was 70, 739, said ISD spokesman Tommy Cameron, but he was paid for several extra duties some of which were for one school year only. He s not going to make that kind of money again this year, Cameron said. Cox Stone mountain coaching vacancy in an e-mail Stone mountain coaching vacancy his extra duties in 2009 included providing information technology support, teaching an online class after hours, advising a student club, serving as a mentor teacher and teaching summer school. The new state law is intended to make information about school budgets and employee compensation more accessible to the public by mandating that districts do online transparency reporting. It also requires public school systems to post information such as the salaries of superintendents even if they make less than 100, 000 and district budgets, collective bargaining agreements and personnel and benefits costs. While the law requires the information to be on the Web within 30 days of the adoption of school budgets which means it should have been there by about Aug. 1 several local school districts had no information or no compensation figures posted when the Citizen Patriot inquired about the missing data about in Stone mountain coaching vacancy September. See separate story. I think it s a good thing, Michigan Center Superintendent David Tebo said of the new law. We want to be transparent, and I think that s a good way for us to do that. Michigan Center did not have Tebo s salary on its website until after the Citizen Patriot told him it was required. He said officials had been under the mistaken belief based on what they were told from a state official that his compensation did not have to be listed because he made less than 100, 0 Other than Jackson s 16 employees making 100, 000 plus, the only K-12 school district in the Citizen Patriot coverage area that reported more than one employee in that compensation category was Chelsea, which had four. Chelsea Superintendent David Killips could not be reached for comment about the salaries in his district, which has about 2, 600 students. Killips took home the most money of any area Stone mountain coaching vacancy school district employee, receiving 177, 0 Jackson Superintendent Dan Evans was second at 149, 0 Several school superintendents earned significantly more than their base pay as a result of other cash perks tacked on to their compensation such as annuities, longevity pay and automobile allowances. Killips base pay was 133, 988, but he made more than 43, 000 in what the website refers to as supplemental pay, which it defines as including annuities, educational stipends and additional contracted work Stone mountain coaching vacancy Stockbridge Superintendent Bruce Brown got 46, 700 in extra pay added to his base salary of 92, 4 Included was 24, 000 in longevity pay, which is extra compensation that some school employees get based on an employee s length of tenure. Brown has been Stockbridge superintendent since 1 All except three of the area school districts that reported data paid their superintendents more than 100, 0 School chiefs earning less than six figures in 2009 were now-retired Concord Superintendent Jay Bada, Tebo, and Stone mountain coaching vacancy s Robert Ridgeway. Hello shouldnt we congratulate these people for finding employment that provides this kind of compensation. Dont they all go to collage then more school and more school. It seems like an invasion of privacy to be posting all this EXACT information for all to see. I know that its our money our taxes that pay them but this seems like a bully story! So youd rather have salaries of top officials be confidential and not available to the public? I think its an excellent idea to post what everyone makes. In some cases it demonstrates how much some are underpaid.

Complementary therapist vacancies

November 23, 2011 Leave a comment

But yeah some of them are making a pretty astounding salary. When commenting on, be mindful of our Community Rules. Lively debate is encouraged, but please keep it clean, courteous and responsible. Jackson News stories with the most comments in the last 7 days. 229 takes new, hands-on approach to community conversation Whats this? Whats this? Whats this? Registration on or use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy Revised November 1, 2011 The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with the prior written permission of Michigan Live LLC. School districts in the Jackson County area report 39 employees taking home more than 100, 000 in annual pay. A disproportionate number of the six-figure incomes are in Jackson Public Schools, which had 16, and the list includes three teachers in addition to administrators. Compensation information for public school employees making more than 100, 000 is available on school websites under a new state requirement effective this year. District spokeswoman A Lynne Robinson noted that Jackson has by far the largest enrollment of any district in the area. It has more than 6, 000 students compared to fewer than 3, 000 and in many cases fewer than 2, 000 in others. Most of the other districts have only one 100, 000 employee: the superintendent. The Citizen Patriot included 21 school districts in and around Jackson County in its review of compensation. The other 11 K-12 school districts in Jackson County had a combined nine employees who made at least 100, 000, and the Jackson County Intermediate School District that provides services to students countywide had four. A new state law required school districts to post a variety of financial information on their websites by early August, but several area districts had posted none of the data or left off salary information as recently as late last month. When the Citizen Patriot checked district websites in late September, Columbia and Vandercook Lake had none of the information posted. Hanover-Horton, Jackson, Michigan Center and Albion did not have the required information posted about superintendent compensation and benefits and salaries of all employees who made at least 100, 0 All districts have now added the information to their websites, with Albion doing so Friday. Columbia Superintendent Brent Beamish said district auditors had been working to put the data on the website, and Vandercook Lake Superintendent Tony Hollow said officials had planned to add the information when the district launched its new website. Both districts added the information within less than a week of the Citizen Patriot contacting them. Jackson Public Schools spokeswoman A Lynne Robinson disputed that the district was breaking the new law even though it had not listed employees making more than 100, 000 as of late September. We re not past the deadline, she said last month. The transparency reporting icon that links to the data had to be on the website by a specific date, and it s on there, Robinson said. And we re filing the information as it s prepared and we ve not been cited for it. Later that week, the district posted the salary information. In response to questions about the deadline for complying with the requirement, Michigan Department of Education spokesman Martin Ackley said in an e-mail that there is no penalty for failure to comply. His e-mail included an excerpt of the law that says a district must make available on its website all of the required data within 30 days of adopting its annual budget. School districts must adopt their budgets by the beginning of July. For us, a number of our employees, their salaries have reached that level based on additional work duties, so I think that needs to be taken into account, Robinson said. Principals get extra pay in some cases because the district eliminated assistant principal jobs in their school, she said. If you actually filtered out the pure base for their salary for their main job, I don t think that number would be as large, Robinson said. We do compensate our employees for working in a large, diverse district. Jackson Public Schools and the ISD were the only local school systems that reported having teachers making at least 100, 000 in a year.

Cirencester hospital vacancies

November 11, 2011 Leave a comment

Most teachers will never reach those Cirencester hospital vacancies mentioned in the paper. I had to say something for all of my friends, relatives, who give up a lot for their students, and their jobs. Let us see how much a typical family on state aid makes. How much cash is handled under the table so they can still get full benefits. How many generations are still living on the state and have not moved up and out of their learned helplessness? You think this is awful to say, but their housing, food and medical needs are met without working for it. Start looking around you, and your own life before you slam someone elses. What do you sacrifice? What do you do to make your life better? What do you do to get yourself out of the helpless cycle you are in? Do you sit back and wait for someone else to get you out? Do you wait for someone else to show you the way? Do you play the blame game? I know a lot of people who are struggling to make it on a day to day basis, but refuse to sit back and Cirencester hospital vacancies for someone else to get Cirencester hospital vacancies out of the mess, that our government put them in. Why not get out there and find your own way, like many of the working people did and still do. If you dont Cirencester hospital vacancies on top of your field by taking classes and updating your skills, then you are looking at a life of learned hopelessness: Get out and claim you life back. Do something besides taking potshots at someone else. AS my teacher once told chill! A teachers work load is heavy, and most work 12-18 hours per day, 6-7 days per week, planning, grading, meetings, appointments, teaching and tutoring, Try living with an accountant during tax season, or a lawyer during a big case or while trying to make partner, or a pastor during AdventLent. Try living with a successful corporate executive. All professionals work crazy hours at time. Stop acting like this is something that teachers are asked to do UNFAIRLY. Most of us respect good teachers. Most of us despise bad teachers, who either are not preparing students for the next step, or are just complete donkey reference, or both. We all had them in school, and I bet you know a few peers like that. What we HATE is the stupidity that teachers have when it comes to wages and economics. Sticking to a half-baked model that kinda sorta is based on the 1970s UAW model, it sounds horribly out of place with todays world. For starters, the professionals that you want us to compare you with are NOT union people. In fact, there are more than a few area lawyers who take home less than a veteran teacher, certainly a lot less than the 100k people listed. Second, even the UAW doesnt have that model anymore. And what few UAW members remain know that what they have wont last. Its time for the MEANEA to realize that the public in general despises the union terms Bid for a job and seniority and tenure for instance. If you dont want to be despised, stop doing the things that we hate! I mean, how can people who are so educated be? Oblivious? When it comes to money? Yikes! Just remember those numbers the next these school boards starts crying whining that they are absolutely broke and need a tax increase. Remember and vote no. Do it for your kids. These teachers and admins are vastly over paid. Keeping more money in your pocket will improve the life of your Cirencester hospital vacancies way Cirencester hospital vacancies than paying a teacher or admin an extra ten grand because Cirencester hospital vacancies are over loaded. Couldnt the extra overload stress they claim to face get relieved during their three month paid vacation each summer? Just askin. Years ago while working for a big business a Cirencester hospital vacancies of us where comparing raise increases after a yearly review. One of the older guys said something I have never forgot: No one wins when we do this cause one of us is guaranteed to be unhappy. Thats how I feel about this I know the data is public knowledge but most of us are guaranteed to be unhappy about this. I know a few of the names on Cirencester hospital vacancies pdf and I dont envy any of them their job sucks and one woman listed there looks like shes ready for a nervous breakdown every time I see her.

Poulsbo church secretary vacancy

November 6, 2011 Leave a comment

Executives at Siemens told me that their biggest challenge is moving engineers into new roles so they can focus on new product areas. In the past people were rewarded for moving upward now they must reward people for moving horizontally. InBev Anheuser Busch, Scotiabank, and MetLife have all launched global talent mobility programs to force people to gain global awareness and expand business opportunities. Something very profound is happening. Jobs are getting more specialized, people work in teams and cross functional boundaries, and success is being redefined by expertise, not span of control. Forbes writers have the ability to call out member comments they find particularly interesting. Called-out comments are highlighted across the Forbes network. Youll be notified if your comment is called out. Dont have an account? Must be at least 4 characters, letters and numbers only. We encourage you to use your real name. Passwords are sent to this address, so please make sure it is correct. Type your new password again. The question I am wondering is what does this mean for modern education as it clearly speaks right to the issue that people who are going to school including myself are learning very general things. For example, I am in computer science and mathematics and learning the fundamentals, but most of my upper Poulsbo church secretary vacancy classes consist of a variety of different things and I do not have an option to say, specialize in network communications. So does this make university degrees less valuable and college diplomas more so As college provides more specialized in hands on learning? Note: I am coming from Canada, so I don t know if the US have the same distinctions between college and university. I think it is an important point to raise, as Poulsbo church secretary vacancy of my university friends are in much more general programs than myself, such as the social sciences and relate-able fields where they are learning only a small amount of skills that they can put to use in their working fields and are learning more theoretical knowledge from an older curriculum. Traditional education is less valuable than it has been in years. Companies want skilled employees, not generalists. If you can gain deep work experience during your younger years, this depth will pay off throughout your career. mowk the general skills are very important. Without the generalist skills the specialist skills are very weak and would Poulsbo church secretary vacancy too long to learn. Specialist skills are built on top of the generalist ones. Also the generalist can pick up the specialist portion very quickly. Without a solid base you Poulsbo church secretary vacancy be a specialist over the long term. Interesting article, Josh. The mechanisms you describe relate to the work of Zygmunt Bauman, a relation that I ve tried to pinpoint in a recent blog post, might interest you as well: /ofyqMh Thank you Henk-Jelle, Poulsbo church secretary vacancy good reading here. We did a lot of research on learning culture High-Impact Learning Culture and it was inspired by much of Poulsbo church secretary vacancy Schein s work. We are introducing these concepts to HR leaders around the world and Poulsbo church secretary vacancy are very very interested in finding ways to embrace and adopt these more agile models for work. Let s keep in touch. Hi Josh, the fact you mention Schein is exemplar, as you can read here: Poulsbo church secretary vacancy We clearly think and read along similar lines. I will be happy to follow your efforts to cross from concepts to impact on these things. Let s keep in touch indeed. Overall your article is correct.